ProMedia brings you leads straight from the source.
How It Works
You Only Pay For The Results We Deliver.
Our cost per response model means you only pay for the leads that convert. Spend your budget more efficiently with our trusted media partners and targeted distribution model.
We can use our skills and experience as media buyers to help you get the most out of your budget. Not only will we get the best deals for your placements, but we will place your ads where they will reach your target audience.
Our intelligent data tracking platform generates actionable insights and analytics with real-time campaign reporting 24/7.
Our long standing relationships with top media partners on local, regional and national levels deliver the most accurately targeted placements at highly competitive rates.
We can manage every facet of your campaign from creative, production, post-production and distribution.
Project: InsightTM
We Keep You In The Loop.
ProMedia has built an intelligent data tracking and management platform from the ground up that supports our clients’ needs. This technology uses media and response analytics to help drive profitability across all of our campaigns.
Rather than piecing together third-party solutions, we invested in our future and built a custom solution based on the rigors of this industry. Insight (‘TM’) is a true competitive advantage for our customers!
We leverage our long-standing relationships with the nation’s leading media companies to reach highly targeted audiences to drive response and deliver results.
Leads Not Fees
Our cost-per-response model means that you exclusively pay for qualified responses. Optimize your budget more effectively by leveraging our reliable media partners and targeted distribution approach.
Media Buying Expertise
We have well-established relationships with all relevant media partners that grant us access to the most responsive media inventory and exclusive opportunities that effectively communicate your message to your target audience.
Local & National Reach
Our expertise ranges across the vast TV & video media landscape. This includes local broadcast and cable, regional sports and news networks, national cable, syndication, MSO's, national network, streaming and more!